If my reading of late has been any indication, I've been in a very escapist mood. I just finished Sword of Waters, a fantasy which is the second in a trilogy (the first being Shield of Stars). I've mentioned author Hilari Bell in this blog before, for her Farsala books, and she doesn't disappoint in this latest. A strong female characters, unexpected twists and turns, and excellent character development are all hallmarks of Bell's writing. If you're in the mood for some solid fantasy, check her out!
I'm right in the middle of this book about a young woman who roams the earth with Death as her companion, and it's turning out to be my favorite kind of book. Dark without being depressing and quirky without being precious, I'm finding it very interesting. The author, Judy Clemens, doesn't bombard the reader with information, but instead doles it out in bits and pieces as we get to know the main character. This method could easily backfire, but I'm finding it terribly engaging. I like the characters and am enjoying the time I spend with them.