Thursday, November 17, 2011

Meet Miss Flavia de Luce

I have not been a big reader of mysteries but Miss Flavia de Luce has completely won me over.  This 11-year-old crime solver stole my heart with her charm, wit, and passion for poisons.  I can not forget her penchant for telling fibs and oh, the cheek!

If you have not met Flavia yet, I suggest you do at once. The first four books are The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie, The Weed that Strings The Hangman's Bag, A Red Herring Without Mustard, and I Am Half-sick of Shadows.  I look forward to many more.

You do not have to read the books in order and I suggest, to enjoy them even more, that you listen to them as the reader does a superb job.  The first three are available through Woodlands Downloadable Library.  The fourth will be available soon.