Have you ever come into the Hillsdale Community Library and wondered what the staff likes to read and watch in their spare time? Or have you ever read a really good book and wished you could tell everyone in town about it? Here's your chance!!! It's a new forum to talk about everything contained within the four walls of HCL.
Love her or hate her, you have to admit that Janet Evanovich is hot!!! Her particular brand of slapstick mystery has spawned a legion of readalikes, and people anxiously await her Stephanie Plum books. Luckily, her latest, Sizzling Sixteen, is due in stores (and at the Hillsdale Community Library) on June 22. Come in or call to be added to the list, and satisfy your Evanovich cravings.
I can admit that HCL hasn't always been the best at providing test prep materials to our patrons--too many things were stolen and too many other books needed to be bought for us to be up-to-date and easily accessible. However, a recent gift from a generous patron has allowed us to purchase a whole slew of books that will help you prepare for standardized tests galore. ASVAB? We've got it! SAT? Check! MCAT? You betcha!! Granted, summer is just about to begin and few people are thinking of taking a standardized test right now, but it's never to early to start brushing up!